Our program management division has been providing high-quality Housing Choice Voucher administrative services for both large and small housing authorities since 1976. We provide technical assistance, direct program management and consulting services in support of client Public Housing Authorities (PHA's). We have extensive experience with all aspects of Housing Choice Voucher program administration including, MTCS processing, SEMAP requirements, HQS Inspections, as well as, direct program administration.
We currently administer 6,000 units of Housing Choice Vouchers, Moderate Rehabilitation and Project-Based Assistance Programs for eight (8) housing authorities in Connecticut. In that capacity, we have the proven experience of providing all of the Federal Housing Choice Voucher program administrative services that are required for compliance with these programs. All of the client PHA's that we have provided turn-key direct program management services for have been rated as "high-performing" on the HUD scoring evaluation.
Imagineers' organizational depth, versatility and experience set us apart from other housing service organizations. We believe our 40 years of direct experience managing housing subsidy programs enables us to offer a highly reliable service that responds to the needs of participating families, applicants, program landlords, client PHA's and HUD.
We have a proven track record of providing Housing Choice Voucher program administrative services in a high quality manner. We are staffed and prepared to assist you immediately. We can provide immediate results.
Please Contact Maria Stoute for more information
Phone: 860-768-3304
Email: mstoute@imagineersllc.com
Scholarships Available for Program Participating High School Seniors & College Undergrads!
Derby Project Base Voucher Program - RFP Announcement & Instructions.pdf
Derby Project Base Voucher Program - Proposal Application Package.pdf
City of Hartford Housing Authority RFP Non-Competitive.pdf
Stability Voucher Annoucement English.pdf
Vales de Estabilidad Spanish.pdf
Website applicant annoucement.docx
Website applicant annoucement - spanish.docx
Landlord Direct Deposit Form and Instructions.pdf
LANDLORD - Rent increase form for rents charged.pdf
Rent Reason. Owner's Certification.doc
Landlord Release for Tenant to Move.pdf
Questions and Answers for Program Participants During COVID-19.pdf
Preguntas y Contestas para Participantes del Programa.pdf
One Bedroom Apartment Listing - Suburban Towns
Two Bedroom Apartment Listing - Suburban Towns
Three Bedroom Apartment Listing
Three Bedroom Apartment Listing - Suburban Towns
Four Bedroom Apartment Listing
Four Bedroom Apartment Listing - Suburban Towns
Five & Six Bedroom Apartment Listing
Five & Six Bedroom Apartment Listing - Suburban Towns
30-Day Notice (Notice to Vacate)
RTA - Moving Packet - fillable.pdf
Can I Afford This Unit 2024.pdf
01-2024 - PS Sheet for Canton - CT068.pdf
01-2024 - PS Sheet for Newington - CT049.pdf
01-2024 - PS Sheet for S. Windsor CT033.pdf
01-2024 - PS Sheet for Wethersfield - CT053.pdf
Payment Standards - Derby CT017 - effective 1-1-2024.pdf
Payment Standards - East Haven CT063 - effective 1-1-2024.pdf
Payment Standards - GHA CT040 - effective 1-1-2024.pdf
Payment Standards - Meriden CT011 - effective 1-1-2024.pdf
Payment Standards - Milford CT030 - effective 1-1-2024.pdf
Applicant-Tenant Certificatioin - English.doc
Applicant-Tenant Certificatioin - Spanish.doc
Zero income form - notarized in Sps.pdf
Zero income form - NOTARIZED.pdf
Expense Report- english version.pdf
Expense Worksheet - spanish version.pdf
At-A-Glance_flyer_10-17-2021_R1 English.pdf