Resource Tools:
- Welcome to the Board - New Board Member Information Booklet
- Features of Imagineers' Client Community Association Homepage - To access the features of community homepage, please click on the tab heading entitled "Condominium Management" from the Imagineers website. Then click on "Login to my Community" and follow the login instructions provided. This will allow you password access to your community intranet web portal, as well as your individual account information.
Board Training Series:
- How to Be the Best Board Ever - Presented by Margey Meyers, CMCA, PCAM
- The ABC's: A Basic Course for Community Associations... A Seminar for Board Members. In concert with CAI-CT this course was offered free to our client board members. It is the most comprehensive review of community associations operations available. Attendees reviewed the history, organization, and financial structure of community associations and learned problem-solving techniques. The program schedule included the following: 1.) Welcoming remarks (Ellen Felix, CAI-CT); 2.) Legal Basis Overview (Lisa Anderson, Esq. - Bender, Anderson & Barbe, P.C.; 3.) Insurance Overview (Dave Pilon - Bouvier Insurance); 4.) Financials Overview (Sam Tomasetti, Kulas & Co.); 5.) Reserve Analysis A Long Term Financial Plan for Capital Repairs and Replacement (Walt Williamsen, PCAM - Reserve Strategies, LLC) and; 6.) General Operations (Karl Kuegler, Jr. - Imagineers LLC). Please click on any of the available links to see a pdf. version of the corresponding presentation.
- How to Get The Most From Your Community Financial Statements: A basic introduction to Community financial reports - Click on this link to see a pdf. copy of the powerpoint presentation that was part of a presentation that provided to interested board members.
- Community Web Portal: How to Best Utilize this New Feature as Beneficial Tool for Your Community: - Click on this link to see a pdf. copy of the powerpoint presentation that was part of a presentation that provided to board members.
- Changes to the Common Interest Ownership Act: New legislation makes major changes to the Common Interest Ownership Act. This presentation by Attorney Scott J. Sandler from the law firm of Perlstein, Sandler & McCracken, LLC discussed the changes and how they may impact the way your community operates. Click on this link to see a pdf. version of the law firm's newsletter that was used in Attorney Sandler's presentation to attending board members.
- Roberts Rules and the CIOA Required Conduct of Board Meetings: Click on this link to see a pdf. copy of the handouts that were provided by two Professional Registered Parliamentarians as part of the presentation that was made to board members.
FHA Application - Request For FHA Application Information
CAI - Common Interest Managers Column / Imagineers Property Manager:
- Funding Considerations in Good Time and Bad - Vol.III Issue 6-2008 - Jim Banno Article
- Communications and Good Government - Vol.IV Issue 1-2009 - Jim Banno Article
- The Community Handbook - Part I - Vol.III Issue 8-2008 - Jim Banno Article
- The Community Handbook - Part II - Vol.IV Issue 6-2009 - Jim Banno Article
- The Sales Tax Man Cometh - Vol.IV Issue 5 8-2009 - Jim Banno Article