
A Supporting Tool to Help Take Minutes at Board Meetings

Please find attached a supporting template form for your consideration to help your board secretary take easier board meeting minutes. Please (click here) to see the template and print copies. This template form was developed to help board secretaries record the pertinent information that needs to be captured for creating proficient board meeting minutes.

We have also provided the tips that were furnished by the Professional Parliamentarian instructor Joan Corbisiero at our recent board training seminar on Robert's Rules and taking effective board meeting minutes. Her tips are as follows:

The Content of Minutes Should Include The Following:
A record of what was DONE at a meeting, not what was said
1.) First paragraph should include: the name of the organization, the kind of meeting (regular or special, adjourned, annual), date, time convened and place; who was presiding and who the secretary was; presence of quorum, whether minutes of previous meeting were approved.
2.) The body should include: a separate paragraph for each subject matter.

  • Motions (except if withdrawn) as amended, name of maker, disposition (adopted or defeated)
  • Vote counts (ballot or counted)
  • Record of reports given and actions taken on reports
  • Notices of motions, points of order, appeals of chair's ruling whether or not sustained
    3.) The last paragraph should include: the hour of adjournment
    4.) The Secretary's signature
    5.) The notation of date of approval

    What should not be included is as follows:
    1.) Opinions and discussions
    2.) The name of who seconded the motion
    3.) Arguments for or against
    4.) Content of committee reports if in writing, except motions voted on
    5.) Guest speaker's remarks (only name and topic)
    6.) Respectfully submitted

    Important Things to Remember Regarding Minutes Approval:
  • Minutes become the official permanent record of a meeting only after approval.
  • Minutes are normally approved at the next regular meeting.
  • Minutes are approved by assembly as read, distributed, corrected. If there are no corrections, the minutes stand approved as read/distributed. If there are no further corrections, the minutes stand approved as corrected.
  • Minutes can be approved by Minutes Approval Committee.
  • Any two in attendance can review and attest to accuracy before distribution. If there is no objection, the Chair appoints Barbara Bates and Cathy Collins as the Committee to Approve the Minutes. Derek Dawson will report for the Committee appointed to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting (or of the 2012 Annual Meeting on __________) Madam Chairman, the minutes of the ________ meeting were approved and circulated.
  • Only approved minutes are distributed. Drafts of minutes are not in circulation.
  • Minutes can always be corrected by amending something previously adopted at any meeting when an error or material omission becomes evident.
  • Members only are invited to attend meetings and see minutes.
  • Courts give importance to minutes as evidence.
  • Auditors depend on minutes for authorization of expenditures.